Trigeminal neuralgia medication-other drugs

What are the other drugs used in Trigeminal neuralgia medication?

Trigeminal neuralgia treatment medication usually involves use of anti-convulsants. They are the most effective. Occasionally other classes of drugs may be added to give the patient better pain relief.

  • Baclofen (muscle relaxant)
  • Amitryptaline and its congeners (tricyclic anti-depressants)
  • Benzodiazepines (tranquilizers)
  • Morphine, Oxycodone, Fentanyl (opioids) have addiction potential.
  • Anti-psychotic drugs may help, but have serious side-effects.

What does not help in relief of Trigeminal neuralgia pain?

Painkillers available over the counter like Aspirin or Paracetomol, Ibuprofen etc do not work generally.

What are the newer treatments for Trigeminal neuralgia treatment?

  • Newer types of anti-convulsant drugs, longer acting drugs, and pain killer drugs that act by other routes.
  • Botox injection.
  • Electric and magnetic stimulation of the Trigeminal nerve.