Pain relief after MVD operation

Pain relief after MVD operation: How long does it last?

It is generally permanent or at least very long-lasting.

Here is the experience through a video testimonial of two patients who underwent Microvascular Decompression surgery or MVD operation in 2017. This video was recorded 3 years after their surgery.

What are the aims of MVD operation?

Pain relief is the primary aim after MVD operation. Reducing or complete cessation of medication is a secondary benefit.

What kind of pain relief may be expected after MVD operation?

The pain of Trigeminal neuralgia is generally electric-shock like and is episodic, brought on by trigger factors. The relief after a successful MVD operation is immediate, and complete.

This means that the patient will  now not experience any trigger factors.  He/she is able to eat, talk, brush teeth, wipe face, shave, apply make-up etc. without experiencing facial pain. Sometimes after MVD surgery, there may be a temporary facial numbness as the trigeminal nerve is healing itself from the pre-operative short-circuiting.

What are some of the FAQs regarding Trigeminal neuralgia or MVD operation?

There are plenty of questions and you will find the answers here.

Who performs the MVD operation at the MVD Centre, Pune?

Dr Jaydev Panchwagh is the neurosurgeon (brain surgeon) who performs all MVD operations in the MVD Centre in Pune.

A single-surgeon experience of more than 1380 surgeries is phenomenal, considering that this disease is not very common.

Where can I read more about other patient experiences at the MVD Centre in Pune?

There is a support group, which you can get in touch with if you contact us. We can link you up with other patients or share their testimonials.

Where is Pune?

Pune is a big, thriving city about 100 kilometers from Mumbai. It is well-connected by airports and trains. It has multi cuisine restaurants, and is very cosmopolitan.

There are plenty of international students in Pune, which is also considered an educational hub in India. International medical tourism is also popular in this city.




Trigeminal Neuralgia Patient Testimonial | Laxminarayan Gogineni

I suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia and this is my patient testimonial:

I suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia for five years before my Microvascular decompression surgery. Symptoms of TN for me was a severe shock like pain along the lower jaw.

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Is Trigeminal neuralgia hereditary?

For those of you who are wondering whether Trigeminal neuralgia is hereditary, the short answer is ‘ not really’. Having said that, there are cases reported where TN runs in families.

Can Trigeminal neuralgia be Familial?

Familial TN is unusual by all means. It is likely to be less than 2 or 3% of all TN patients. It is possible that patients inherit their familial ‘make-up’ of blood vessel contours or laxity, or lengths…we don’t know. Generally the familial type of Trigeminal neuralgia is on the same side in all affected family members.

Can Trigeminal neuralgia be inherited? Can TN be genetically transmitted?

The chances are so slim, that it’s not worth losing good sleep over it.

Have I seen a case of familial Trigeminal neuralgia?

‘No. I have only read case reports. It is likely that this condition is so rare, that one need not be too worried about it.’ Dr Jaydev Panchwagh answers.

Can children be affected with Trigeminal neuralgia?

Though it is unusual, it is not impossible. Diagnosing TN in children may be a problem, because they may not be able to express their problem clearly.

Parents ought to be more observant and help in establishing patterns.

There are reports of Microvascular Decompression surgery being done even in young children to treat them of the Trigeminal neuralgia pain.

My father and I both have Trigeminal Neuralgia. Is this hereditary? Will my children also have it?

It is possible that there are certain anatomical variations in either the brain and skull, or in the blood vessels that have predisposed both of you to have it. We just have to wait and see if it gets passed on to the next generation.

The youngest patient Dr Jaydev Panchwagh, a renowned Indian neurosurgeon  has operated on is a girl of 22 years, who had been having it for five years. The operation was performed at his centre for MVD in Pune, India.  With an experience of more than a thousand trigeminal neuralgia surgeries, he is one of the best neurosurgeons for such delicate and specialized operations.

You may watch his Youtube channel for more on MVD surgery for Trigeminal neuralgia treatment.

Is trigeminal neuralgia permanent?

Is Trigeminal neuralgia permanent? This is one of the first questions patients ask, upon learning their diagnosis. It is natural to want to know how long they have to face these facial pain-attacks.

The pain of a TN attack is itself not permanent, but comes intermittently most of the times. In a few patients this pain, especially in those who have had it for a long time, may last a few hours at a time.

Does the pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) ever go away?

Unfortunately, no. The pain attacks keep appearing. Initially, the attacks are infrequent, later they become more severe and frequent or even continuous. the timeline varies for every individual who suffers from this.

There are periods, sometimes for months when the pain does not re-appear. It is called pain remission. Some people have short remission periods, and for others it’s longer.

As the condition progresses, the remission periods shorten and the attacks become more frequent. Very rarely, there may be near-permanent remission.

How long does the pain of Trigeminal neuralgia last?

The actual pain attack of TN may last a few seconds to a few minutes. The actual condition is unlikely to ever go away. Most patients need a combination of medications to keep the pain under control. Non-medical therapy helps in managing pain, and living with it. Surgical procedures give longer pain  relief. Microvascular decompression surgery is the main option available for a possible permanent relief from the pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Dr Jaydev Panchwagh and his team at the Centre for Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment by Microvascular Decompression surgery have an experience of more than a thousand MVD procedures, in the last twenty years. The centre is known for the best treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Dr Jaydev Panchwagh is a renowned neurosurgeon in Pune, India and has many referrals from international patients as well. Plenty of video lectures delivered by Dr Panchwagh on the subject, are available on YouTube.


Calming an attack of trigeminal neuralgia

One of the most important questions I am asked, or rather one of the important phone calls I handle are tips on calming an attack of Trigeminal neuralgia. In other words:

How do I deal with a TN attack?

Well, primarily, it means that you have been diagnosed, and you recognize an attack. But before we learn how to deal with an attack of TN or learning how to calm the trigeminal nerve, we should first check that we have a few things in place.

  • Do you keep a pain diary? 

This is very important to recognize what events led up to the attack, its duration, frequency etc.

  • Have you noticed any trigger factors that bring on an attack?

There are different trigger factors for different people, but the commonest are touch, brushing,                  eating and talking. Maintaining a pain diary helps identifying trigger factors.

  • Have you noticed any actions that may reduce your pain?

Again, being observant and trying different remedies at home in the initial phases when the pain is            not so severe can help.

  • Have you noticed any foods that may bring on an attack?

Writing down in a pain diary will help narrow down pain-triggering foods. One of the problems of              Trigeminal neuralgia medication is that there is an obtundation of memory and recall. Writing                    down helps recall, and can help others also analyze the things that led up to the attack. Also,                        identifying pain-safe foods for you will help ward off an attack.

Simple measures that may help calming down a Trigeminal neuralgia attack

  • Hot water bottles / cold presses
  • Pressure of entire palm on affected side: cupping the face with palm
  • Medication like Tegretol, especially if you have forgotten to take a dose
  • Capsaicin or hot pepper creams
  • Seeking a calm atmosphere
  • Going indoors and avoiding breeze
  • Avoid long journeys
  • Drink from a straw, eat soft foods so you don’t have to chew
  • Light exercise to release natural pain-relieving hormones (for some, exercises like walking can worsen an attack).

My Trigeminal neuralgia attack keeps coming back. What do I do?

Unfortunately, if your TN attacks are non-responsive to medication and other measures, you might have to consider Microvascular decompression surgery. This is one of the treatment options, which when considered early on in the disease, can lead to a potential cure.


Dr Jaydev Panchwagh is a renowned neurosurgeon in Pune who is an internationally recognized surgeon for Trigeminal neuralgia treatment in India. he has performed over a thousand MVD procedures with a 98% success rate. He has an international patient service to help those patients coming from outside India.

He has a You Tube channel, Dr Jaydev Panchwagh, if you are interested in watching his lectures on Trigeminal neuralgia. There are also many patient testimonials, which help in allaying fear and anxiety about surgery. Our team has one of the best results in trigeminal neuralgia treatment in India.

You may contact the team which will lead you to avail of all our services.