Trigeminal neuralgia patient story. Maria from Mauritius.

In this section we shall be presenting a series of ‘Trigeminal neuralgia patient story’. The first is Maria from Mauritius.

This is the story of a woman, Maria, who lived in Mauritius. She was 45 years old when she came to us. She had been suffering from pain near her eye from 7 years. Initially she used to massage the area, and then noticed that massaging increased her pain. It used to come in short bursts, for a few seconds, like an electric-shock. She observed her pain for a few months, while her family members dismissed it as something that was not very serious. Over a period of the next few months, the pain spread to the lower part of her eye, near her nose and cheek, and came in more frequent bursts. Unable to tolerate this any longer, she visited her family physician, where she was prescribed many painkillers. They did not help and made her nauseous.


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Trigeminal neuralgia patient testimonial 1 | Mr HariKrishna Pillai (Harry Sawmy)


trigeminal neuralgia patient
Harry Sawmy

My background

My name is Harikrishna Sawmy Pillai and I live in Mauritius. I am in the agriculture business and need to drive heavy vehicles like tractors around. And it involves a lot of hard work.

How the TN pain began

I first noticed this pain five years before my surgery. The first time I went to see my neurologist in Mauritius, I told him my problem and he gave me some tablets.




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Testimonial of Parbatee Shyama Raghupooth

Trigeminal Neuralgia patient testimonialMy name is Mrs Parbatee Shyama Raghupooth, and I am from Mauritius. I suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia since June 2018. Then I was started on Tegretol, to which I reacted badly. Afterwards, I was started on Gabapentin, Lyrica, Baclofen and all these were taking away all the joys of my life. In my acute phase, I used to have shots of Pethidine and Morphine; and lately my neurologist advised me to have cyber knife therapy.


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Trigeminal neuralgia testimonial of Dinesh Mishra

Trigeminal neuralgia patient testimonial
Dinesh Mishra

Undergoing Microvascular Decompression surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia: My story

I am Dr Dinesh Kumar Mishra from Gwalior. And I am an associate professor in mathematics. I have been suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia for the last 3 years.

The pain was in my right side forehead region. specifically, it was in the right side of the eyebrow. It was an electric shock like pain.

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Trigeminal neuralgia-Patient Testimonial |Deemawatee Seetohul

Trigeminal neuralgia patient testimonial- Deemawatee Seetohul


Trigeminal Neuralgia patient testimonial
Deemawatee Seetohul

My name is Seetohul Deemawatee. I am from Mauritius.

I had Trigeminal Neuralgia, and I suffered from this for nearly 6 years. The pain would aggravate when I swallowed, or talked or drank water or brushed teeth or even when the breeze of the fan used to touch my cheek. The pain was electric shock-like kind of pain. I was recieving medical treatment for my trigeminal neuralgia for many years, but I still had pain.



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